Professional High Voltage Transformer Factory in China

Wholesale Arc Lighter Manufacturer


In order to serve customers comprehensively and better, we will focus on customer needs, take products as the core, and use videos as the method to enrich the content of the website. The company led the sales team to start a two-month training, learning how to shoot and edit videos, and use videos to promote products and the company. We have integrated various cases of high-voltage generators, electronic igniters, and electrostatic sprayers, and update the product introduction, so that our products can be more intuitively understood and selected by customers.

First, we conducted a half-month video shooting instruction training, including shooting methods and video editing methods. After everyone’s study and hard work, we completed the video display of multiple products and the production of company promotional videos. Not enough, but this is an important step for us to grow.


take a video


Later, we will learn about the new product of electrostatic sprayer. Electrostatic sprayer is a device that can make the sprayed mist form an electrostatic adsorption effect on the marking object. Currently, there are backpack electrostatic sprayers, handheld electrostatic sprayers and electrostatic spray integrated converters. With three products, the electrostatic sprayer can reduce labor costs and effectively control the residue and loss of pesticides, which is of great help to environmental protection and resource conservation.


electrostatic sprayer demonstration


After that, we learned the methods of online marketing. In the face of the ever-changing Internet, we also need to keep pace with the times, learn website construction and marketing methods, do content well, and serve customers well. Our customers come from different regions. We hope that our learning and growth will enable customers to trust the company more and bring each other closer.

learn about network marketing knowledge

This learning is a skill breakthrough for the friends, and everyone understands the importance of communication. Whether it is work or life, we are like-minded partners. We believe that no matter what difficulties we face in the future, as long as we are united, we will always succeed.


Build an excellent team-the sales team of electrostatic sprayer manufacturers carry out training and learning

Created on:2021-10-16 13:39

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